Is your website mobile responsive?

Is your website mobile responsive?

Everyone is using mobile devices constantly, all day long. Having a mobile-friendly web design is essential to make sure you cater for everyone who visits your website.

People average around 3 – 4 hours pay on their mobile phone. The mobile is now the go to place for web browsing for a most people.

If your website is not mobile friendly you missing out traffic, leads and potential new business.

What is mobile responsive?

A mobile responsive website is a site that responds to smaller screen sizes. Most websites nowadays are built to provide a seem less experience on all devices, mobile, tablet and desktop.

There are a few changes you might need to consider to go mobile responsive:

  • Different font sizes
  • Re-organising the order of content
  • Image sizes
  • A burger menu
  • and more

Why is being mobile responsive important?

You might still be asking why you really need a mobile responsive site..

If your site is not mobile responsive, visitors will go to one that is – it’s that simple. Have a think about how you browse the net. You go to your phone, if a site is hard to read and navigate through then you give up and try another option.

If you need help moving to a fully mobile responsive platform, say hello on 07800861644 or visit our contact page here.

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